Friday, March 1, 2013

Passions, Obsessions, and Possessions

Over the past few years, I have often heard Professor Sexson talk about passion, interest, and curiosity about various topics. He uses these words to describe his students when they stumble upon something new and unique. But when he says the word "obsessed" his eyes light up and his whole body seems to become more alert and focused on individual students. Now we have talked so much about Etymology lately, that I decided to look up obsessed.

Obsessed (adj.)
 mid-15c. "tormented, obsessed," pp. adjective from obsess. Originally especially "possessed" by a devil, etc.

To find out that to be obsessed is to be possessed is an amazing revelation for me. We have all grown up thinking that to be possessed by the devil would be a bad thing, according to the influences of Christian religions. However while Devil in the literal sense would make sense as a bad thing, lets look at this more abstractly. I see Devil not necessarily as evil but as the idea of something new, different, and unheard of. I'm sure that all of us can think of things that were once thought of to be evil or bad or whatever other word you want to inject but after careful exploration, experimentation, and education, it turns out that this thing is not truly evil. I choose to see possessed by the devil as to being possessed by passion for something that is a little out of the ordinary.

Another thing that seems pertinent to point out from the excerpt above is that it says "a devil", not "the devil". This one tiny change can make all of the difference. This change signifies that this etymology is not specifically directed at religious devils but towards the devils that create change.

The other day, I was counting how many Sexson classes I have taken over the years and this semester, will mark my 7th! Wow that's a lot. But it also means that I have seen a lot of my classmates become obsessed and possessed. James, Jenny, Ashley, Spencer,  and Breanna are just a few that come to mind. I'm sure that I am missing many many more. After the obsession/possession had taken place, a visible change came over these students whenever they were in the presence of either their devil or Dr. Sexson. It was amazing to watch.

As I get closer and closer to graduation, I am starting to think more and more like this. Remembering the last five years and trying to figure out what exactly I want to take away from my time at MSU. And more importantly what I want to make sure I remember. I know now that I will remember my own obsession but also the obsessions of others.  Now I'm not sure how many of your are just starting your time at MSU or just about to end it but I truly do encourage you to become obsessed with something. It doesn't have to be within our Mythologies class (I have met students who are obsessed with Finance! Go figure) but find something. The obsessions and possession really are what you will remember fifty years from now about Montana State University. Plus you might help someone else by inspiring them to find their passion through obsession of being possessed by their own devil.

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