Monday, March 25, 2013

Dear Diary,
            I know I haven't written in a while but I need to tell someone about today and this is the only way I can tell it. Mom was finally right today. She told me time and time again that if I continued to talk I would eventually lose my voice. And it happened on the worst day EVER!!! Now you know that I have been totally crushing on Nathan for weeks now. I had done everything to get him to notice me. Hair highlights, new make-up, new clothes, flirting more, and I even signed up for Advanced Calc. to be near him. I mean that totally isn’t me! And I broke up with Tom before I knew for sure that Nathan would be my next BF. I have never done that before, that’s for sure! This crush was something totally new to me. Nathan is so not my normal type. Typically I go from the godlike football players like Zach and Steve. I mean huge muscles, center of attention all the time, and very funny. Nathan was different. He is in the acting club. In fact he just finished playing Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. He was so dreamy in the play. Everyone in the audience wanted him. Afterwards, I could barely get near Nathan to tell him how great he was due to the swarms of girls that flocked around him. It was ridiculous. Couldn't they all see that they were hitting on my future BF! 
            This morning started just like any other morning. Got up and checked FB, checked my text messages, and then got ready for school. Fought with Mom but that’s pretty normal. The only weird thing was that my throat kinda hurt but I just shrugged it off. I mean I forbid myself to get sick so I won’t…right? Wrong. By the time, I had dropped off the annoying younger brats at their elementary school, my voice was starting to sound like a FREAKING MAN. Can you believe that?? My voice is one of my best features! Well I guess nothing I can do about it but just try and get by without speaking. 
          I made it through most of the day without talking. It was kind of weird to listen to the other people talk but beautiful at the same time. Normally, my world centers around my own voice telling the latest gossips and bickering with teachers. Especially Mrs. Queen. Man does she hate me! I decided as I was walking to my locker from my last class that I would have to miss cheerleading practice tonight. There was no way that I could cheer. Hopefully missing would allow my voice to rest and be back to normal by tomorrow. As I got closer to my locker, I looked up and there he was. Nathan was standing against my locker waiting for me! It had to be the best moment of my life. 
       "Hey" Jack said as his normal greeting though maybe a little bit nervous. 
        Of course, I just nodded and smiled. Inside my heart was racing. I had been working for this for weeks. Oh how I was hoping that he would ask me to prom. Guess it is true, be careful what you wish for.
       "Ummm so I was wondering if maybe you would umm like to go to prom with me. I mean if you don't already have a date that is" He stammered.
       I was shocked! I mean it is one thing to dream about this happening but for it to actually happen! In my shock, I completely forgot about my voice. I tried to answer but nothing came out. My voice had finally given out. I couldn't answer him. I started nodding frantically trying to show that I wanted to go even though I couldn't talk. But he was looking down, embarrassed taking my silence as refusal. Before I could get his attention, he mumbled "Goodbye" and hurried off. All I could do was stand there in horrified shock.
       As he walked out the front door of the building, I was finally able to utter one word as tears created trails down my face.

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