Notes March 6

  • visual representation of "precedent every action"
  • The Spinners
    • visual equivalent of our definition of myth
    • referencing another painting
      • Rape of Europa
        • Titian
        • holding onto the horn of bull
        • painter referencing another painter who is referencing Ovid's Metamorphoses
  • Commentary on Metamorphoses
    • Link on side of my blog
    • illustrate discussions for the rest of the semester
      • Picture of Daedalus and Icarus
      • W.H. Auden-  Musee des Beaux Arts 
        • everything is contextual 
    • Apotheosis
      • the glorification of a subject to a divine level
    • This pattern of theme and variations gives Ovid numerous means to tell his stories in inventive ways, weaving a complex web of interrelationships throughout the entire work. This thesis, suggested by Brooks Otis (Ovid as an Epic Poet, 1970), will organize (with some modification) the following discussion notes. 
    • Goes through story by story and often has pictures accompanying the stories
  • Apotheosis of Homer
    • Painting

  •  Ceres and Persephone
    • Muse Calliope- tell the importance of the gods- Hades steals Persephone from a meadow- Persephone feels bad for the flowers that she drops as she is abducted- 
    • Cyane- protector of Persephone

  • Fredrick Turner
    • Neural Lyre
  • Oedipus
    • violence within literature makes us feel better about our lives
      • Aristotle
      • our life can't possible be that bad
    • plunges needles into his eyes
    • "As flies to wanton boys, are we to th' gods, they kill us for their sport" Hamlet
    • Catharsis
      • purge, purification, cleansing

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