Exam Questions

  1. What fatal error is shared by Orpheous, Semele, and Acteon?
    1. looking at something that they shouldn't
  2. Definition of myth
    1. precedent behind every action
  3. Dionysus took which god/goddess spot on the Pantheon?
    1. Hestia/Vesta
  4. Name a person who turned into a cow
    1. Io
  5. What is the most frequently sited form of creation myths in our class presentations?
    1. Earth-Diver myths
  6. Because Tiersas seperated two snakes and told the truth to Juno, what was his punishment?
    1. turned blind
  7. Who was turned into a flower?
    1. Narcisus
  8. The definition is "the explanation of how something came to be" of ____
    1. etiology
  9. What does Juno, when she is disguised as her nurse, tell Semele to do?
    1. Have Jove show Semele his true form
  10. Why did Jove turn Lychaon into a wolf?
    1. He (Lychaon) fed human flesh to the gods
  11. What was the one condition of Orpheous bringing back his wife from the underworld?
    1. Don't look at her
  12. Wha are the main types of creation myths?
    1. Earth-Diver
    2. Creation from nothing
    3. Creation from chaos
    4. World Parent
  13. What kind of creature did Cadmus slay?
    1. Snake
  14. What is the Caduseus?
    1. Medical symbol
    2. may have to draw it so better practice!!
  15. Syrnx was the object of the amorous attention of what god?
    1. Pan
  16. Which King of Thebes put Dionysus in jail?
    1.  Pentheus
  17. The meaning of Pentheus name is?
    1. Man of Sorrow
  18. Bacchus has twin parents- Semele and Jove
  19. Define ditherambos
    1. He of the Double Doors
  20. What does Jove turn Calysto and Argus into?
    1. Ursa Major and Ursa Minor
  21. What are the three parts of myth?
    1. Beginnings, Middles, and Ends
  22. What characterizes initation?
    1. pain & suffering
  23. Who are Cadmus' daughters?
    1. Semele, Atonway, Ino, Agava
    2. All turn out bad
  24. What form did Jove take in the story of Calisto?
    1. Diana
  25. Why did Daphne feel from Apollo?
    1. Because she got hit with a "fleeing" arrow and he got hit with a "chasing" arrow
  26. Why in ancient Greece do victors in sporting events have laurel wreaths placed on their heads?
    1. Daphn and Apollo
  27. True or False: In the debate between creation and evolutionism, Ovid would side with creation.
    1. False
  28. What does Dionysus do to the city of Thebes, according to Dr. Sexson?
    1. Burns it to the ground
  29. Pygmalion Question
    1. probably have to do with mythological geneology- My Fair Lady & Pretty Woman
  30. What god killed Argus, the 100 eyed giant?
    1. Hermes/Mercury
  31. How did peacocks get their eyes on their tails?
    1. Juno took the eyes from Argus, the 100 eyed giant
  32. Siciphus, tantalus, Ixium are part of Orpheus story of his going to Hades. They were the people that he met.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer,
    You can delete this comment after you look at it, but I just wondered if Dr. Sexson would want a different answer for question 12. From my notes I have the Earth Diver Myth, Ex Nihilo (Creation out of nothing), Dismemberment of a Primordial being, and creation by the Division of a Primoridal Unity. Should our answer for this question be according to our notes or according to the list above? Thanks.
