Monday, April 8, 2013

Notes April 8

  • Final Exam
  • Paper Due
    • when presenting
    • based upon mythic detective presentation
    • informal and entertaining
    • term paper and final presentation are the same thing
    • also post on blog
    • Presentations will begin on the 15th
    • start as before A-Z
  • After Ovid
    • Michael Hoffman
    • famous poets create updated versions of Ovid's work
    • Mitas Story & the Golden Touch
      • Mrs. Midas 
    • Michael Longley
      • According to Pyathagoras
      • based off of Book 15
      • focuses on The End
        • gross disgusting end 
          • Ring-Around the Rosie
          • The End by The Doors
            • Oedipus Story
      • The Doors (Jim Morrison)
        • associated with the gods Adonis
      • butterfly=pysche
      • fundamental interconnectedness of all things
      • The End
        • graduation
        • flowering or assuming of wings
        • fulfilled purpose
        • Plato
          • perceive fulfillment of end purpose of existence (education) should feel shoulder blades itching- wings are sprouting
          • knowledge until fall from grace into the mud then born into humanity grow unto knowledge again
        • Tabula rasa
          • blank slate on which the world writes things
        • purpose of life is to remember the things that you already knew in a previous state
        • Meno - Plato
          • socratic dialogue
          • definition of virtue (arete) 
          • kid in the sand had to remember how to do a math problem without the education
        • Anamnesis - Plato
          • ideas that humans possess knowledge from past incarnations and that learning consists of rediscovering that knowledge within us
        • page 419 Ovid
      • Book of Daniel
        • apocalyptic stuff
      • Ozymandias
        • Percy Shelley
        • Turner- happy ending
        • Sexson- apocalypse
      • Ecclesiastes
        • last paragraph
        • beautiful apocalypse
        • about people getting old

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