Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Life as a Mythic Detective Presentations

Don't forget to do your summation blog by next Wednesday at noon (Deadweek). All blogs must be done by that time in order to receive credit for them. 
  • Zac Chamberlin

  • Carol Clonan
    • Paper
    • Every Ordinary Day- story about her mythic day
  • Lindsey Dowling
    • Her life as a mythological story- everyone's story is a part of someone else's story
  • Chelsea Blackwood
    • Learned 3 things - no ordinary day, no coincidence, & Ovid knows more about me than I know about me
    • Paper 
  • Julia Granger
    • Christianity and mythology- get to know more than just the tip of the iceberg
    • Paper
  • Elizabeth Gagnon
  • Shelby Bush

  • Stephen Foster
  • Brook
    • Francis Copala's Apocalypse Now
    • The Godfather is even better- interconnectedness of everything
  • Nathan
    • Greatest thing I've ever done- Pong competition- Orpheus story
    • Greatest thing I will ever do- every moment that we are in will be the greatest moment 
    • WH Auden's For the Time Being- Garden exists only when we have searched everywhere and only found deserts
  • Amber Hoppel
    • See what was right in front of her all along
    • Idea of transformation and circles
    • CS Lewis Quote: changes day by day
  • William Jones
    • breakdown of mythic detective- Symbols & Signs- Trees- Shakespeare Sonnets 53 & 73 
    • Paper
  • Shelby Jackson
    • How mythological stories link to life 
  • Cyrill Hergenrider
    • Personal Adventure- WH Auden poem of gods and goddesses- little details is more important than the big picture- fairytales- stopped planning- photography is like literature we can all interpret differently- 
  • Courtney Jones
    • Capstone is about the history of Snakes as symbols- snakes everywhere- article from India 1904 about a python- 
    • Paper
  • Tom Herring
    • Lies and Absolute Truth
    • Kurt Vonnegut
  • Max Jacobs
    • Personal journey
  • Vivianna
    • Paper 
    • Trying to get into Sexson's class- experiences in Mythologies class
  • Rachel Preller
    • mistakes and the repetition of them
  • Logan Perreault
    • Paper 
    • struggles with concept of mythic detective 
  • Jason Lenneman
  • Robby Melgren
  • Patricia Morse
    • transformations we all go through 
  • Jacob Mackenzie
    • Being an RA
  • Aaron Plowman
    • Paper
    • Image of grief of Achilles
    • The role of Dust in life and myth
    • mythic clues in life with Annabelle Lee 
    • "I'll show you fear in a handful of dust" 
  • Tyler Pohl
  • Chris Piehl
    • Paper
    • Myth overall and how they apply to ceremonies
  • Zach Stenberg
  • Zachary Reid
    • the transformation from business to literature
  • Cody Stanley
  • Nate Staedler
  • John Stoppler
  • Alexis Ragenovich
  • Fannon Walls
  • Lauren Wilbanks
  • Autumn Marie
    • Trees & Birds
    • If one thing had been different things would have been different
  • Rebekah Ward
  • Gabrielle
    • the beauty of animals
Edgar Allen Poe's poem:  Anabelle Lee Everyone should read
Kurt Vonnegut
Virginia Wolf- To The Lighthouse- striking a match in the dark= epiphany
Albert Camuu The Stranger 
                        The Myth of Cesipus

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