Notes February 11

  • Aaron, Brook, Bill, Carol, & Viviana are all posting notes for everyone
    • look at these for the exam
  • Bring your exam questions on Wednesday so we can prepare for Friday's exam
    • Ovid & Class discussions
  • Dionysus
    • Pantheon
      • All Gods
      • 12 gods
        • Authoritative gods
        • Zeus, Athena, Poisedon, Dionysus, Hera, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephestaus, Hermes, Apollo, Demeter, Artemis, 
        • Hestia/Vesta had been part of the twelve but left so that Dionysus could join the Olympians
          • Hestia is associated with the virgin
          • Goddess of the Hearth
      • That is how did he get into the Pantheon
  • Story of Zeus' Birth
    • Father Kronos ate all of Zeus' siblings but muses hid Zeus. Zeus grew up and then forced Kronos to throw up all of his siblings. 
  • Zach blogged about boring
  • Dionysus/Bacchus
    • born out of Zeus thigh
    • Dithyramb
      • ancient Greek hymn
      • sung in Dionysus' honor
      • Double Doors
        • Had an immortal and mortal birth- 2x born
      • Heavy metal is dionysian music
  • Cadmus
    • told to find his sister who was abducted. He was to find a cow that is walking and where the cow lies down he is to build a city (Thebes). Dragon lived there and and he killed the dragon. Then built Thebes. Kept the dragon's teeth. Marries Harmonia. Has 4 evil daughters Semele, Autonoe, Ino, & Agave.
  • Tiresias
    • Young man saw two snake copulating. He takes his staff and knocks the two snakes apart. Hera comes down and punishes him by turning him into a woman for 8 years. He was to experience sex as a woman for 8 years then as a man for 8 years. Since he had been both a man and a woman, he was called to judge a competition between Jove and Juno. Judged who has more fun making love. He judged in favor of the woman. Hera then blinded him. Zeus then gave him the gift of prophecy. He became a Seer. 
      • losing outward sight inward sight may be gained.
  • Narcissus & Echo
    • Tiresias was asked about Narcissus' life. "He would be a great man if he doesn't come to know him." Cursed by Nemesis to fall in love with himself as punishment for breaking so many other people's hearts. Fell in love with himself when looking in a pond at his reflection. Eventually he died because he couldn't leave his image. His last words were "goodbye" that was repeated back to him by Echo. He is able to see his reflection as he crosses the Styx river after his death.   
    • Echo
      • Jove used her to distract Hera when he was having affairs with other women. Hera got mad and took away Echo's voice except for the ability to say the last word that she heard. She fell in love with Narcissus. 
    • 2 Stories of people who waste away because of unhealthy love
    • Narcissus Flower

  • Dephic Oracle
    • Contemporary representation is the Magic 8 Ball
  • Pentheus
    • Mocked Bacchus and all gods. Possess Hubris (extremely prideful and arrogant). 
    • Liber (free) associated with Bacchus/Dionysus. 
      • liberate from social constructions
      • Also god of Sparagmos
    • Means man of sorrow (Pentheus)
    • King of Thebes. In comes Dionysus to establish a new religion. Tries to put Dionysus/leader of new religion. Creates hallucinations for his jailers. Goes to Pentheus and tells him that he can't put him in jail. Challenges him to tell him about secrets of rituals. Women take part in the secret rituals. Pentheus dresses as woman so he can observe the rituals. Dionysus puts Pentheus on top of a tree dressed as woman. Sees all of his women family members. They spot Pentheus and recognize him as a man. They attack him and enact sparagmos against him. The women play ball with his flesh. His mother takes his head and goes back into town with the head. She thought it was a lion. Once in town she figures out that it is her son. 
    • Bachhae
      • women followers of Bacchus 

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