Friday, April 5, 2013

Notes April 5

Fredrick Turner in Class Today!

  • His blog: pretty cool so check it out
  • Relationship between myth and epic
    • myths- describe ways of gods for a tribe or a clan
    • epic- justifies the ways of the gods for a city of many clans and tribes
    • mythic shape similar to sentence structure
    • task of epic
      • get ppl together who are not related to each other and make a city together
      • bring all the different myths of ppl together to make a big story that is the shared property of big groups of people
    • epics are pretty much the same 
      • epic storyteller
      • creation myth
      • world named into being
      • hero myth- nature of
        • miraculous birth
        • blazes a new trail
        • represent everyone while still be the extraordinary
          • capable of transcendence
        • quest/journey
      • kinship trials
      • descent into underworld
      • understanding of animal state
        • shaman with animal heads
        • animal=unknowing
        • human=knowing=mortal
      • founding of the city
      • history of the people
      • definitions of fundamental values
      • celebration of new means of communications
    • Beast Man/Natural Man
      • transformation into
        • relationship between beast side and human side after the transformation
          • Gilgamesh
          • Odysseus & Polyfemus
        • must keep hold of human nature to understand animal nature
      • battle between
        • Beowulf
        • can be found in many different cultures
      • The Fall
        • fall from animality (innocence) into humanity (knowledge & mortality)
        • Genesis (which is a epic)
        • Paradise Lost - Milton
          • claims to justify the ways of god to man
          • Judicial review almost
          • was knowledge taken freely?
            • does this influence the justice of the punishment (mortality)
          • Freedom- is there freedom
          • Epics define freedom and question its presence
        • Epics need cosmology where freedom is possible
          • symbol of the branch
          • freedom has to be possible because of the branchy system of cosmology
        • Must be a documentation of the universe, including humans
        • genealogy of freedom
      • Fate
        • how can fate and freedom coexist?
        • freedom stories are always somewhat about fate
        • knowledge of fate presupposes a world of freedom
        • Freedom= knowledge of fate
      • Epic Hero
        • defining characteristic he at some point knows his fate
      • Does knowledge merit death?
        • or vice versa?
        • has to understand and analyze the nature of death
          • that is why heroes often go into the Underworld
        • knowledge is cumulative
        • knowledge becomes self knowledge
          • knowledge of limits
        • big limit is death
          • every hero encounters this moment of realization
          • ability to imagine the world where we are not
        • not a case of punishment but payment for a purchase
          • death=knowledge
        • were we forced to "buy" that knowledge
          • were humans programed with curiosity to cause the trade
        • Gods show the experiment of having no limits
          • omnipotent, omnipresent, and eternal
          • can't know knowledge because have no limits
          • no freedom possible
          • beyond his comprehension
        • creation epic
          • ignorant until creates world
          • has no limits so can have no knowledge
        • second life
          • meaning of the return from the Underworld
          • starts when choosing to gain knowledge
          • making of the bargain freely makes us not mind the price of death
        • death is the prize of going through ordeal of coming to know
          • knowledge of the unknown
      • How we go to be human is the big story
        • epics are those stories
    • epics bridge myth to history to psychology
    • Questions
      • Wanderer- personal relationship 
        • Odysseus identified with
        • Una Po Kiwh pawn
          • Mayan Papavu
          • play ball with the lords of the death and win
        • Prince Hal
          • Henry V
            • dark 
            • sacrificial story (Falstaff)
        • Hamlet
          • stop thinking- let be 
          • revenge
        • Dante
          • great strength in submission
      • Modern epics
        • Lady Gaga
          • epic structure contains themes
        • Lord of the Rings
        • some computer games
          • archetypes 
          • Dungeon and Dragons
        • Resurgence of epics 
          • cultural movement
        • Atlas Shrugged
      • creation stories are attempt to understand the universe
        • many different descriptions of any way the world is created
      • understand reality through stories
      • science is a way we tell our "stories" 
        • telling the varying levels of truth
      • death of animals
        • Keats- Ode to Nightingale
        • collective life
        • doesn't know it is going to die
          • doesn't have that knowledge
        • doesn't have past, present, future, language, story
          • special significance to various ends of us
          • time has been generated into something richer and deeper than it is with animals
      • end of time in relation to epics
        • they don't deal with end time or apocalypse
        • epic is about life
        • absence of incest in humans
          • about the problems of healthy reproducing species
          • distraction of true part of epics
        • Penelope & Temelous
          • bad situation
          • Odysseus has to come back or else be buried to end his era and regulate Penelope's role

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