Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Athena & Poseidon Battle for Athens

I know that we were supposed to pick a story out of Books 4,5, or 6 but I was inspired by class on Monday to pick a story that I have always liked to hear about but have never been able to read for myself. I honestly don't know where to go to find the whole story, like they are in Ovid's Metamorphoses, but I have found summaries and whatnot on the Internet. So the story I chose concerns Medusa but not as she is typically portrayed. I wanted to see her as she was before she was cursed. She was supposedly very beautiful. I couldn't find any paintings of her but I did find one that portrays the story very well, at least I think it does.

The story goes that Poseidon raped (or seduced) Medusa in Athena's sacred temple. This was done out of pure spite as the goddess had been chosen by the people to be their patron instead of Poseidon. This is what doomed Medusa to her hideous fate and made her become a monster.  I think that this creates an interesting link between Medusa and Arachne. Both created types of art because of their curses from the gods. These art pieces would reflect the horrific natures of the gods. Yes Medusa's art was real people but I am guessing that all of these people were terrified, horrified, and then petrified. Much how people in the stories felt about the gods at various times. This painting signifies the true aim of this mythological story. It isn't about Medusa but instead it is about how the gods used mortals to settle their own disputes without caring what punishments were given to the mortals for their roles, no matter if they were willing or not.

In the picture above, you can see Athena and Poseidon fighting. Athena is shown in her war clothing and Poseidon (Neptune) has his Triton out ready for battle. Behind them, you can see the winged horses Pegasus, which was a product of Medusa's rape.  The story of the two gods almost became a war but instead they held a contest. Poseidon gave the people a new water source and Athena gave the people an Olive Tree. The Athenians decided to have Athena become their new protector and patron. In the painting the Olive Tree is placed behind Athena as she was the winner of the contest to be the patron of Athens. Both gods seem to be protecting something from each other. Athena is protecting the olive tree, which is symbolic of her role in Athens and her temple that Poseidon desecrated. Poseidon is protecting Pegasus, his son. Another interesting point of interest with the protection of Pegasus is that Neptune has the closest connection with horses, so it could be inferred that he is also protecting his domain from Athena. I am not sure exactly what the role or significance of the two mermen that are at the gods' feet. I almost think that they are there to help Poseidon and Pegasus get away. If you look at the faces in the picture, everyone looks scared except for Athena.

This picture accurately describes the story except for the placement of Pegasus. He would not have been born or conceived at the time of the war over Athens. It is my opinion, that this is the artists way of showing how the repurcussions of the gods' actions affect the mortals. Medusa is not in this painting as her fate is tragic but does not affect the gods overly much. They will continue to fight, bicker, and manipulate each other at the expense of mortals.

1 comment:

  1. I love Greek mythology and a bit of roman. I got all my knowledge from Rick Riordan books. Only the the demigods in it aren't from the mythology but the gods are, and the monsters and titans. I've always wanted to track down the main sites like i think i found the location of the river styx but then i some how lost it. I intend to find Delos, the birthplace of Artemis and Apollo and other sites too. I wish i could learn everything within Greek mythology. I forgotten a lot already of what I learned from Rick Riordan.
