Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Notes March 20

  • Important Dates
    • Required: Guest Speaker- Fredrick Turner- Thursday April 4th- 7pm- Museum of the Rockies
      • Professor Sexson will have tickets for all students in the class
    • Will be in class on Friday April 5th
    • Will teach us how to be mythic detectives
  • Quiz on next Wednesday is cancelled! 
    • Write a paragraph or two on our roles as Mythic Detectives instead of the exam
  • Displacing Story from Ovid
    • Write a blog that displaces one of Ovid's stories
      • 2-3 paragraphs
    • Nabokov- Icarus and Deadalus
    • Sexson used a Hansel and Gretel as an example in class
    • Displace into the direction of plausibility and realism
    • Make it sound if it could really happen
    • Have it done by next Wednesday
    • Tip of the Ice Burg
      • mythological strata is below what we can typically see 
    • Read the original very carefully so that you can displace in specific terms as well as in the general terms

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