Monday, March 18, 2013

Notes March 18

  • Synchronicity
  • Nabokov
    • Symbols & Signs
    • Aunt Rosa- 
      • proof of a back story of Jewish decent 
    • Discussed the following blogs
      • Autumn
      • Carol
      • Zac C
      • Rachel
      • Julie
      • Zach S
    • "What would the third telephone call message be?"
    • "Trust the story, not the author"
    • Myth is the precedent behind every action
    • References to Dedalus and Icarus
      • Minotaur
      • Theseus- Redeeming hero
        • help from Aradne
    • "Something is rotten in the State of Denmark"
      • Batman/Superman
      • Superheroes
      • Call for redeeming hero
    • Sexson's take on the story
      • created a labrinyth of a short story
      • references Dedalus and Icarus
      • son that wants to tear a hole in his world and escape
      • parts are a wild goose chase
      • 3rd telephone call is not an answer but part of the design
      • Father
        • jars and jelly are the true keys

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