Monday, February 4, 2013

Presentation Similarities

It was amazing how many similarities there were in the creation myths that were re-enacted this past week. While I saw a lot of similarities, the more amazing part was how different all of them were. Yes there were a lot of similar themes and wording but by having different people present, I felt that each creation myth was uniquely its own. Once again I am taken back to remembering how powerful the spoken word truly is! As much as I loved listening to the presentations, I got an even greater experience in watching all of my classmates during the presentations. Being at the front of the room allowed me to not only watch the presentation but also to see all of you react to the presentation. It was a wonderful experience to see everyone so enthralled and on the edge of their seats for the presentation. It was kind of like watching over 40 short films combined into one.

As Professor Sexson said last week, the most popular theme was the Earth Diver. I could definitely see that trend. Other trends that I saw were that the stories all contained some aspect that could be found in a different story. I have heard before that all mythology is inter-related and my findings from this class experience leads me to believe that claim. Even though our stories came from all the corners of the world, or even the farthest corners of the universe, they were all inter-related. This relation does not just stem from them all being creation myths but by the individuals who played a part, the symbols that came into our minds when listening to the presentations. For example, I have already talked about the fact that I chose my story because of Ouroboros but listening I heard many different references to this creature, in multiple of your presentations even though no one said his specific name! I think we all probably heard aspects of our own stories in the words of our peers. Thus almost everything that was said in our classes last week is similar to something else in a different presentation. Because remember nothing is a coincidence and myths are the precedent for everything else, including other myths.

I forgot to include what type of story mine was when I blogged about it before. The Pelasgian Creation story was an example of the Emergence creation story. After reading about these types of myth, I am so happy that I chose it to use as my presentation. I think that these types of myth speak directly to the themes of this class. The description directly correlates to initiation, birth, metamorphosis, and transformations. All of the myths that were told definitely have at least some of these characteristics but I think that mine had all four. What a happy coincidence!

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