Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pelasgain Creation Myth & Ouroboros

I chose to do my presentation on the Pelasgain Creation Myth. I looked through tens, maybe even hundreds of creation myths, before I found this one. There is one main reason why I chose to use this myth. It had nothing really to do with the creation aspect but to the use of Ophion.

I became obsessed a few semesters ago with the concept of the Great Serpent. However, this is the first time that I have known him as Ophion. The serpent that captured my attention was Ouroboros.
Ouroboros eating its tail

I'm sure most everyone has seen a picture of this wonderful serpent. He is shown by the snake eating his tail. He symbolizes the everlasting cycle of life. I first started to see the concept of Oruborus in the writings of Jung and his analysis of the collective unconscious. I started into this vein of inquiry around the same time that I stumbled upon the Eeusinian Mysteries. I feel that the two things tie together pretty closely. They may not be related to each other in the symbols and stories but in the concepts and human needs that they fulfill. The image and importance of the serpent can be found in all mythologies. It does vary whether the serpent is shown as good or evil but it always has knowledge.

I think the idea of knowledge is why I have linked it to initiation rituals in my mind. The concept of initiation is the quest for knowledge. This knowledge is typically spiritual though other more concrete knowledge may accompany it. As students, we all know that knowledge is power or else we wouldn't be at MSU or more specifically in Dr. Sexson's Mythologies class.

In this short explanation, I have brought together all types of myth under the heading of initiation myths. It is my opinion that all things are a form of initiation. Within creation myths, myths of quests, and death myths, there is always initiations. However, the reverse could then be argued. In every myth creation can be found, death can be found, and quests can be found. No part of mythology can ever exist without the other parts accompanying it. They are all interconnected and interrelated. Each aspect of mythology feeds the others just like the tail feeds the serpent but is also a part of the serpent. Mythology truly is never ending which means that no life is ever ending as life is mythology being acted out.

This is a long and drawn out way of telling why I chose to use this particular myth as my creation myth.

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